
Let's Do This!

I intend to use this site as a communication tool between all of you and me. There is only 1 of me and 150 of you, so check this site often to get updates on class happenings--due dates, upcoming test days, etc. I'll also have current events/issues posted for discussion on the site. Science doesn't just happen in a classroom. And, (believe it or not) sometimes science isn't the most important issue occurring in our world, so why not look at issues not so exclusive to science every so often? As scientists, we study everything for a better understanding of everything....so, study everything to know about everything! It's how you study everything that distinguishes good scientists from average scientists. Let's use this blog to become good scientists. Let's do this!


  1. Jenny~
    Not only does this seem to be an excellent way to communicate with your students, I feel it is a good way to communicate with other staff members, including the SPECIAL ED. DEPARTMENT.
    With other staff members who utilize various communication tools with the students, it has been helpful to share the links with parents.

  2. Jenny, Love your blog. How clever is delicious klemmistry 101! That alone will get kids checking it out. Thanks for all your help in class. Many times I feel so lost and it is nice to have an expert like you to lean upon. Lisa

  3. I love your picture! Was that a National Geographic podcast below that didn't load? How did you organize your delicious like that to view each one individually?

  4. I just noticed your little "Science is Power" saying. I can't think of what those are called, but I learned about them in a high school class.

  5. Hi Jenny!
    I love the idea of having the kids check in and the sites on the side are interesteing, especially for some of us who are not great at some of the concepts! I love how you have the blog comment area set up. Can you share with me how you were able to get the blog reply on the bottom like this?

  6. Jenny,
    I thnink this will be a great tool for you to use with the students- I hope it goes well. I hope we keep in touch but of course we always have a mutual student or two!!
