
I am thankful for...genetics

Despite all of the people who claim to eat "organic" foods, very few foods we eat are truly "organic." Thanksgiving foods are no exception. Over hundreds of years of cultivation, our crops and livestock undoubtedly have become better food products due to consumer demand. Unbeknownst to early farmers, they were genetically altering their crop yields by only growing the sweetest corn, or raising the fattest pigs. As you raise your forkful of turkey to your mouth this Thanksgiving, check out this great article on the supersizing of this obnoxiously American holiday.


  1. I enjoyed my Thanksgiving turkey that I cooked upside-down. Juicy!

  2. Beware of the giant turkeys!! I am not a big fan of turkey, but some seem to live for Thanksgiving because of the turkey. Pretty soon they'll be as big as cattle!!
