
Give the gift of science

Looking for that perfect gift for the science lover in your family? Look no further than here.

Photo courtesy of MASH


We've all taken antibiotics at some point in our lives and have recovered from our bacterial infection. But, what would happen if the bacteria are not killed by the antibiotics, so we wouldn't get better? What would happen if we ran out of antibiotics to treat simple bacteria infections?

This is actually happening all over the world. Bacteria evolve so quickly that they are becoming resistant to antibiotics. By using antibiotics to make us stronger, we unintentionally have made bacteria stronger--survival of the fittest. The bacteria out there in hospitals and in people are superbugs--bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics.

If you don't think this is real, go to your doctor and tell him you think you have MRSA. Then, find out how real this problem is...


I am thankful for...genetics

Despite all of the people who claim to eat "organic" foods, very few foods we eat are truly "organic." Thanksgiving foods are no exception. Over hundreds of years of cultivation, our crops and livestock undoubtedly have become better food products due to consumer demand. Unbeknownst to early farmers, they were genetically altering their crop yields by only growing the sweetest corn, or raising the fattest pigs. As you raise your forkful of turkey to your mouth this Thanksgiving, check out this great article on the supersizing of this obnoxiously American holiday.


A tasty podcast

Linda, Beth, and I made a delicious podcast about a tasty treat you all know and love.

sit back. relax. enjoy.

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The Naked Scientist

I've found a great podcast published by a group of Australian scientists that cover pertinent topics in science in a easy-to-understand manner. I've linked the podcast to my google reader account located on the right sidebar.

I also found a podcast that is produced by an entire class, students and teacher both! I've included the actual podcast below--listen at your leisure.

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The Living Room Candidate

No words can describe the power of this video...


Evolution Investigation

Evolution is considered by most scientists to be the cornerstone of biology; many explanations of biological phenomena are based on the theory of evolution. However, since Charles Darwin first published his book, On the Origin of Species in 1859, evolution has been surrounded by controversy. This is in part due to common misconceptions. While the vast majority of scientists accept the theory, only 40% of Americans can say the same (Miller, 2006). While all religious and personal beliefs are accepted in this class, a firm understanding of evolution is necessary to study biology. Therefore, you will now investigate evolution.

It all began with a click of the mouse...



If you were absent, please view this powerpoint. You will be responsible for the material presented. After viewing, see me if you have questions.

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: pedigrees geneticdisorders)


The inaugural girls tennis season @ PHS has come to a close. All in all 25 girls started a tradition that will carry on indefinitely. In due time, we hope to have courts of our own so that we can host matches and practice on our own time.


Let's Do This!

I intend to use this site as a communication tool between all of you and me. There is only 1 of me and 150 of you, so check this site often to get updates on class happenings--due dates, upcoming test days, etc. I'll also have current events/issues posted for discussion on the site. Science doesn't just happen in a classroom. And, (believe it or not) sometimes science isn't the most important issue occurring in our world, so why not look at issues not so exclusive to science every so often? As scientists, we study everything for a better understanding of everything....so, study everything to know about everything! It's how you study everything that distinguishes good scientists from average scientists. Let's use this blog to become good scientists. Let's do this!